Important Pediatric Dental Treatments for Kids

Our kids dentist in Vista offers comprehensive dentistry for children of all ages. The convenience of our kids dental office near you makes it easy for busy families to access to quality oral health care that’s tailored for the youngest of patients. Our “dental home” can be a place where your children will grow up and build relationships that help them develop a positive outlook on dental care in the future.

childrens dentist san diego

What are the most common pediatric dental procedures that we offer? Here are a few examples:

Preventative Dentistry Treatments for Kids

Most major dental concerns are preventable during childhood. The key is to see our pediatric dentist as soon as possible and on a regular basis.

Preventative care and education are key to reducing the risk of dental disease, especially in children. We start with pediatric checkups every six months beginning by age 1 or when your child’s first tooth erupts. These early visits play an important role in minimizing anxiety and dental fear as well as preventing cavities.

Our most common preventative dentistry treatments for kids include:

  • Fluoride treatments
  • Dental sealants
  • Orthodontic screenings
  • Diagnostic X-rays
  • Gentle cleanings and exams
  • Space maintainers
  • Silver diamine fluoride filling alternatives
  • Sports mouthguards

Children who experience positive dental encounters at a young age typically have a lower risk of dental phobia as they grow up. And with hygiene tips, nutritional counseling, and regular cleanings, they can have healthier teeth that last well into adulthood.

Common Dental Procedures for Kids

With our pediatric dentist, common procedures like fillings, emergency care, and other restorative treatments can put your mind at ease.

Dr. Houri offers pediatric dentistry services like:

  • Fluoride treatments
  • White, minimally-invasive dental fillings
  • Emergency dental treatment
  • Pulp and crown therapy
  • Therapeutic dental extractions

Our primary goal is to use restorative, common dental procedures for kids to limit the extent of treatment they need in the future. For instance, if you have a young child who is exhibiting early signs of cavities in multiple teeth, we’ll restore areas as needed, apply silver diamine fluoride in hard-to-reach spaces (to prevent the cavity from spreading), and share resources to limit the spread of decay in developing adult teeth. We want to stop the cycle of dental disease so that your child can enjoy completely healthy teeth for the decades ahead.

Need for Early Childhood Dental Treatment

While a child’s smile may change rapidly, it can have a lasting impact on their appearance for many years to come. Tooth decay is one of the most common diseases that affect children. We can offer minimally-invasive treatments, such as white fillings, to prevent decay from spreading to other teeth. As a result, your child will be less likely to experience emergencies, toothaches, or lost time in the classroom.

If a child is affected by severe decay or infection, their entire bite and facial profile can change. The best way to ensure that your child’s facial structures continue to develop in a healthy manner is to intervene early with preventative and restorative care.

Today, children of all ages can get a head start on great oral health by seeing our pediatric dentist in Vista. Dr. Houri is always happy to help if you have specific concerns, dental emergencies, or questions about your child’s teeth.

When Should Children See a Dentist for the First Time?

Pediatricians and pediatric dentists recommend that children visit a dentist before their first birthday or within six months after their first tooth erupts. These visits are typically educational and preventative in nature. Our goal is to provide their parents with the necessary information, they need to promote good oral development as their child gets older.

It’s best to plan a checkup for your child every six months. This allows us to catch problems early enough that they don’t become serious emergencies or permanently damage your child’s developing adult teeth.

Book Your Child’s Visit Now

Are you looking for a kid’s dentist in Vista? Dr. Houri serves children and teens of all ages. Reserve your child’s next appointment with us today.

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